Cached Resources and Analytics using Cloudflare Workers
Scroll DownWe were facing challenge of gathering request telemetry in our cached API endpoints served by Content Delivery Networks - CDNs. We usually just go to our proxy server logs in Big Query for non-cached resources. It does not work in this scenario as the proxy server won't receive the request after the first hit. We could use javascript to send info to another server but API endpoints responses are usually plaintext or json types.
One of the solution we found was to gather the data in the CDN level. Luckily, Cloudflare - our CDN provider - have such feature available in the form of Cloudflare Workers. Cloudflare Workers are serverless applications written as service workers. It offers easy deployment using the provided CLI application called Wrangler
We start by install wrangler
, login and create the application with:
$ npm install -g @cloudflare/wrangler
$ wrangler login
$ wrangler init our_cf_application
$ wrangler dev
The steps above, obviously, taken from the Cloudflare Workers gettings started guide.
Apart from the main application code/script, the most important part is configuration. Cloudflare workers will read from wrangler.toml
that is found in the root directory of the application. It must contain information about the account and other application settings. Here's a very simple wrangler.toml
that we use.
name = "news-views-counter-worker"
type = "javascript"
account_id = "somerandomnumbers"
workers_dev = true
compatibility_date = "2021-11-15"
route = "*"
zone_id = "somerandomnumbersagain"
vars = { LOG_HOST = "" }
route = "*"
zone_id = "somerandomnumbersoncemore"
vars = { LOG_HOST = "" }
The name
is what will identify this worker in the cloudflare dashboard indicating javascript
as the language of the application. The account_id
and zone_id
can be found in the cloudflare dashboard. The workers_dev
config is for us to be assigned with a custom cloudflare subdomain to deploy to and test our workers. Custom variables are passed in through the vars
config. They will appear as globals inside the application. Cloudflare workers knowing which request to handle is made possible by the route
settings. This worker will only handle requests with path starting with /news/story
addEventListener('fetch', event => {
try {
return event.respondWith(handleRequest(event))
} catch (e) {
return event.respondWith(new Response("Error: " + e.message))
async function handleRequest(event) {
const request = event.request
const cacheUrl = new URL(request.url)
const cacheKey = new Request(cacheUrl.toString(), request)
const cache = caches.default
// fetch from origin if not in cache
if (!response) {
response = await fetch(request)
response = new Response(response.body, response)
// we only put in cache if origin's response is ok
if (response.ok) {
event.waitUntil(cache.put(cacheKey, response.clone()))
if (response.ok) {
let body = await response.clone().json()
let items = body.length
let cf_data =
let headers = request.headers
let url = new URL(request.url)
let params = url.searchParams
let data = {
"longitude": cf_data['longitude'],
"latitude": cf_data['latitude'],
"continent": cf_data['continent'],
"timezone": cf_data['timezone'],
"country": cf_data['country'],
"city": cf_data['city'],
"region": cf_data['region'],
"region_code": cf_data['regionCode'],
"colo": cf_data['colo'], // CF colocation IATA code
"postal_code": cf_data['postalCode'],
"asn_organization": cf_data['asOrganization'], // ASN name or the ISP name
"metro_code": cf_data['metroCode'],
"eu_country": cf_data['isEUCountry'], // "1" if inside EU
"user_agent": headers.get("user-agent"),
"real_ip": headers.get("x-real-ip"),
"platform": headers.get("sec-ch-ua-platform"), // macosx, windows, linux
"url": request.url,
"locales": params.getAll("locales[]"),
"items": items
let logger_url = "https://" + LOG_HOST + "/news_logger/log"
let logger_request = new Request(logger_url, {
body: JSON.stringify(data),
method: "POST",
headers: new Headers({
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"User-Agent": "News Views Counter Worker"
// fire and forget
return response
The code above is listening to the fetch
event. In our main handler, we constructed a request to Cloudflare's cache. If we have the response cached, we use it, otherwise we make a request to our upstream application and put it's response into the cache. We then build a JSON object using Cloudflare data and our upstream application response and send them to our logging application. Logged data are, then, processed and consumed for analytics. Without Cloudflare Workers, we would not be able to collect information on requests made to our cached resources.
Cloudflare Workers can do more than just intercepting traffic and logging. Full-fledge applications can be built using it with database access and routing. We can even build a scheduled task runner by utilizing the Workers as cron trigger.
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