Ultron [http://marvel.com/characters/61/ultron] is quite well known for its dedication to conquests and exterminations. So there was no better name for our Slack [https://slack.com/] Bot [https://api.slack.com/bot-users] that is to find the AWS EC2 [https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/?nc2=h_…
Ahsan Nabi Dar
VP, Engineering @ Wego. Programming , travel and sports, The 3 constants in life.
TrustYou - Meta-Reviews
Wego [www.wego.com] strives to provide the best user experience and results to its users. In order to do so, we gather best possible rates and fares and compliment them with the best available reviews to help our users make a decision to enjoy their travel. TrustYou [http://www.…
AWS S3 to Google BigQuery
Wego [http://www.wego.com] uses the cloud extensively, be it server architecture or cloud storage. We live in the cloud, leveraging its power to provide the best service to our users. Every cloud service has solutions that cater to all or most needs of any company, from storage to…
Stark - The Indigenous Manager
As a service provider that works with partners across the globe at Wego [http://www.wego.com] we use Amazon EC2 [https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/] for all our services. We have a VPC in which we have 100s of servers powering multiple services and websites. When working with dataset…
Turing - The Enigma Breaker
Wego [www.wego.com] supports around two dozen languages and has localised websites in over 50 countries. Over the years, adding configurations for each new domain to our repository, bloated it, and created a huge redundancy of location blocks in the files which remained, even after they had expired. At…