Simplifying tunnel to private network

How our current ssh config looks like below and it will have multiple line of local forward to tunnel the traffic. Host pg User admin HostName Port 22 ForwardAgent yes LocalForward localhost:6767 LocalForward localhost:9898…

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Topic 1. Client machine Pre-Requisite 2. Configure AWS CLI Prerequisite in the client machine (MacBook): 1. Install/Update  AWS CLI version 2 2. Install session-manager-plugin 3. Install ec2 instance connect cli Install AWS CLI v2 curl "" -o "AWSCLIV2.pkg" sudo…

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Wego BlackHole access via AWS Session Manager

Blackhole/Bastion/Jumphost  is defined as “a server whose purpose is to provide access to a private network from an external network, such as the Internet. Because of its exposure to potential attack, a bastion host must minimize the chances of penetration.” AWS Session manager allows one to make an…

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Getting Started With AWS SSO

> A simplified AWS account management, with centralised authentication with G Suite identity provider. Use of AWS SSO 1. One login(Gmail Login) for all the AWS Account. 2. Centralised User authentication and authorization 3. AWS Policies can be managed in AWS Root account. 4. Can avoid Manual rotation of…

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